Wednesday, May 11

McCalls 5794

woowzaa! I guess I took a blogging break! Things have been happening here, Gregg graduates from medical school this Sunday!! I still can't believe it! We are also moving back to Oregon next week. The house is a mess and my sewing machine and serger are packed. It will be awhile before I will be able to pull them out again. But for Mother's day I asked for sewing time and I was finally able to finish my last sewing work in progress before the move...a dress for Lills.

May 309
May 321
May 300

I made a size 6 for Lills, it is a bit big in the bodice and the shoulders kept falling off so I put a safety pin in the back to help (I already packed the sewing machine so I can't fix it for awhile). She really likes this dress and requested one in blue next!
May 308

pattern: McCalls 5794 view B

fabric: a lightweight knit (hand-me-down fabric so I am not really sure of the type of knit)

I wish I had more time to sew. I really enjoy yarny projects at night but they do take awhile! I do hope that next time I can participate in the Kids Clothes Week Challenge. Something always comes up that prevents me from participating.

1 comment:

UK lass in US said...

That looks like a perfect dress for a small lass - really comfy looking, as well as looking cute! Good luck with your move